澳大利亚华威学院非常重视我们的学生招募合作伙伴提供的帮助,帮助我们的学生决定在澳大利亚的继续教育。 请不要犹豫与我们联系,我们将很乐意安排参观。对于那些希望成为WIA的代理商,请按照以下步骤操作:
Agent list
中介代理列表 |
Person |
Phone |
Mobile |
A & C Trading Pty Ltd | 9211 5678 | safe_1223@hotmail.com | ||
AA PLUS Education Group Pty Ltd | Vongovan Sopitkarn | 9269 0023 | 0412 459 141 | info@aaplusedu.com |
ABC Education Group | Tobey He | 9280 1155 | sherry.song@abcsydney.com | |
Access Education&Migration International(AEMI) | Ruby TAN | 0433 445 234 | ruby.tan@aemi.com.au | |
Access Student Service Centre | James ZHONG | 9283 0688 | assc123@hotmail.com | |
ACE Centre for Education | Sora OH | 9261 8100 | sydney@uhakace.com | |
Ace Investment & Trading | Thomas YE | 8065 3387 | 0401 573 658 | anlian_edu@yahoo.com.cn |
Advisory Centre for Australian Education | Ursula NG | 9281 8133 | 0416 232 113 | ursula@australiaeducation.com.au |
AECC-Australia Education & Career Consulatants | Sonu AGRAWAL | 9283 5900 | marketing.syd@ae-cc.com | |
Alpha Education Consulting Pty Ltd | Janet Ma | 9262 9496 | info@alphaimmi.com.au | |
ANZ Education | Anthony WANG | 0433 682 722 | anzimmigration@yahoo.com | |
AOHUA international migration and education centre | Cindy Liu | 9212 2188 | 0431 789 398 | aohuamigration@gmail.com |
AOJI Education Australia Pty Ltd | Aileca WANG | 9264 7171 | 0420 887 171 | aojisyd@globeedu.com.au |
AOWEI International Pty Ltd | Michael Xin WANG | 9264 9388 | 0423 394 929 | michael.wang@aowei.com.au |
AusEd-UniEd International Pty Ltd (AUG) | Tin Wong | 9280 0266 | eva.lim@augstudy.com | |
Ausfeng Education & Migration Centre | Robert FENG/ Amy LIU | 9261 2200 | 0406 900 300 | grace.feng@ausfeng.com.au |
Ausmart Migration & Education Centre | Katherine | 9262 9888 | enquiry@ausmartgroup.com | |
AUSTLINK EDUCATION GROUP | Wei LI | 9283 1068 | 0433 127 666 | weilee21@hotmail.com |
AusTop Education Centre | Anna | 8079 7000 | admission@austop.com.au | |
Australia & NewZealand Int Education Centre | Tom TAN | 9267 7888 | aniec_sydney@yahoo.com.au | |
Australia Grace Home Education & Immigration | Grace FANG | 9269 0886 | jerry@aghsydney.com.au | |
Australian Centre Pty Ltd | NUI | 9380 9888 | natthaphasorn@australian.co.th | |
Australian Consulting | John YE | 9279 0535 | windsorjohn220@hotmail.com | |
Australian Success Education Consultants | Sophia | 0403 100 841 | poboxk63@hotmail.com | |
Austrend People Pty Ltd | Adam CHEM | 8206 9908 | adamsydney@yahoo.com | |
AUSTWAY INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD | Louie LIU | 9267 9088 | 0405 557 188 | austwayintl@hotmail.com |
Ausuda International | Chong ZHAO | 9266 0088 | ausudainternational@gmail.com | |
Best Education & Migration Affairs Centre | Baoyan ZHANG | 8090 7326 | 0432 360 816 | jean_zhang@besteducation.com.au |
BEST EDUCATION AGENCY | LING | 0478 181 202 | z.ling13@yahoo.com | |
C & T Education | Panchaporn Bukatam | 8005 0688 | 0420 294 878 | nan@c-t-inter.com |
Century 21 Edu Net Pty Ltd | Shuxun Zhang | 9280 1860 | info@c21edu.com | |
Coach Education and Migration Services | Kazi Alam | 9750 9772 | coacheducationservices@gmail.com | |
Diligence Education and Immigration Consultancy | Rachel HUANG | 9191 7595 | 0430 209 189 | rachel@diligence-pie.com.au |
Dream Overseas | 9211 5666 | sydney@do360.com.au | ||
Eden Education Centre Pty Ltd | Sujira raboom Takham | 9212 4891 | info@eden-education.com | |
EMAI International Service Centre | Alex An | 9212 1658 | emaisyd@hotmail.com | |
G.E.C. Global Consultation Pty Ltd | Candice CHEN | 8882 9938 | 0433 665 658 | candice.chen168@gmail.com |
Global Sky Communications & Media | Roxy Weng | 8518 1519 | 0430 230 826 | globalskycm@gmail.com |
Great Study Services | Niphon Samsaen | 9283 9607 | 0413 835 800 | niphon@greatstudy.co.th |
GULMOHAR EDUCATION AND MIGRATION SERVICES | Suraj SHRESTHA | 8065 3869 | 0423 776 819 | info@gems-edu.com.au |
Hangaho Education | YoungJin Choi | +82 7042 150 304 | info@hangahogroup.com | |
HERALD EDUCATION ADVISORY CENTER PTY LTD | Wenying LENG | 8958 8547 | 0426 251 018 | ahead sydney@hotmail.com |
Hima-Aus Education Consultancy Pty. Ltd | Razman Thakali | 9269 0551 | 0423 379 999 | info@himaaus.com |
Honor Education Services | 9281 1266 | OFFER@honoreducation.com.au | ||
I World International Group Pty Ltd | Jean Jang | 9283 9353 | jean@iworldstudy.com | |
IEN Globe Australia | He CHEN | 9267 8688 | info@ienedu.com.au | |
Int Education Centre | Jenny | 8957 7460 | punlapa@inteducentre.com | |
International Education Service | +92-2134 829 552 | study.ies@hotmail.com | ||
Jaray Migration Service | Annie XU | 9211 5788 | 0406 089 353 | jaraymigration@hotmail.com |
K&O Migration and Education Services | 9262 9244 | pat@kointer.com | ||
Learning Plans Education | Nuttapong AVIRUTJINDA | 0413 835 800 | admin.sydney@greatstudy.co.th | |
LP Migration & Education Services | Patrick | 9266 0929 | lp.international.au@gmail.com | |
Mackellar Syd Education & Migration Centre | Lanlan LI | 9211 2886 | 0433 667 668 | mackellarsyd@yahoo.com.au |
New City International Migration &Education centre | Lan LIU | 9269 0788 | 0411 191 658 | education@newcityintl.com |
New Field Education Service | Laura | 9283 3028 | 0403 047 730 | admissions@nfeedu.com |
New Stars Education Counsellor Pty Ltd | Willam ZHENG, Alex CHEN, Kirk YAN | 8069 8106 | kirk1031@newstarsec.com.au | |
Open Conexus Student Service | Tati Sumarna | 8205 7766 | 0430 180 299 | tati@openconexus.com |
Oriental Migration & Education Centre Pty Ltd | Fancy | 9267 5600 | 0433 733 800 | omec99@gmail.com |
OZ Fair Pty Ltd | Jimmy Chiu | (07) 3102 3288 | 0421 676 673 | jchiu@ozfair.org |
Progress Study Consultancy | wennie | 9267 8866 | progress_study@yahoo.com | |
Prudential Migration and Education Consultancy P/L | Sandy | 9212 2792 | 0432 747 995 | sandy@pmec.com.au |
S & K Education | Sutahda SIRIWATDETH | 9283 0077 | kitty@skeducation.com | |
S Pacific | Imran Suhug | 8068 0388 | 0414 086 633 | sazin@spinet.com.au |
S2 MIGRATION | Rosanne Bell | 9267 3445 | 0412 528 135 | ronghu@s2migration.com.au |
Siam International Education Consulting | Dissarapon MAROM (Daisy) | 8960 0757 | 0410 719 299 | siam.edu.au@hotmail.com |
SINAAN Consultancy Services | Muhammad Hamid Khan | +92 3002 185 831 | hamid.khan@sinaan.net sinaangroup@gmail.com |
Sino-Aussie Education Centre | Julia HU | 9264 1210 | 0430 167 907 | sino.au@gmail.com |
Skillpoint Consulting | Kenny | 8096 7073 | 0426 838 989 | kenny@skillpointconsulting.com.au |
STELLAR SYDNEY EDUCATION & MIGRATION CENTRE | Bow Benjawan | 9212 7489 | benjawan@stellaraustralia.com | |
Students Solution Center | Asha VAISHANANI | 9269 0069 | 0433 031 421 | studentssolutioncenter@hotmail.com |
Sydney Hub Education Pty Ltd | Lucy CHO | 9261 1336 | 0401 798 881 | info@shub.co.kr |
TheTimeEdu Pty Ltd | Henna Kim | 9264 2132 | info@thetime-edu.com | |
Victory International Students Support Services | Jaimin DARBAR | 9269 0180 | 0430 455 853 | j.darbar@victoryinternational.com.au |
Yes Or Yes Education | Raju hosen NuRI | 9599 2151 | 0424 178 208 | roniraju@hotmail.com |